Monday, November 26, 2012


Go check it out! I worked really hard on this...and I think it turned out pretty awesome and FREE!! yay!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Tree-Pot

This one is cheesy...i know! But i couldnt help it. Christmas is coming and im excited! Its a tea lite teapot. Once you put the candle in the bottom it shines out the little holes and looks like christmas lights! :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zigzag teapot

This time i created the body and lid in one piece, then cut the lid off. This worked very well. The top was a challenge. It was four different designs before i decided on this one.  Then the knob inspired the zigzag side texture! I live how balanced the handle and spout are! Might even be my favorite spout!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Circle Teapot

This form wont surprise those of you who are familiar with my work. It is just one of my circle vases without the three holes...and, well, a spout and handle.  I love the handle! Ive tried this type before, but was never satisfied.  I also came up with this base idea so that it is extra stable.  The form is thrown horizontal, like a donut.  It is hollow. I throw two walls and connect them at the top, creating a hollow donut.  Then, i stand it up and add the spout, base, lid, and handle. I might have to make more if these! Also, the good thing about this piece is its size. It is 12" around. So, along with the 3" width, it should hold a reasonable amount of tea! Yep...its fully functional!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ariel's Garden

Pretty pleased with this teapot. It just sort of happened. I had no plan when i started...not feeling too good and wasnt looking forward to this teapot. But, it turned out sweet. I was pulling a handle off the side of the pot and it ripped off, leaving a little stub. So, i looped it into a circle. This inspired the front loop. So i had two loops and it looked really silly...but...wait....haha those loops would make great platforms for an overhead handle! And tada...i just went crazy decorating, adding loops and coils. Then i thought id draw loops on the side, but they looked like sea anemones instead. Haha so, ya i like it because i love anything underwater/mermaid related. Im not going to glaze the whole thing, to emphasize texture! Super duper excited! No to sleep and feel better :)