Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tea light teapot

This teapot was inspired by a special order im working on for a customer. The base holds a lit tea light and that little flame Keeps your tea warm!

I threw the teapot like a bottle, the spout was the rim of the bottle. Then sat it on its side and added a base. I am going to expand on the bottle/teapot idea. Its fun and I like the idea of this continuous line. I like the lid, it looks like a hat!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bonny Maywheather

Finnally named the teapot!!  Thank you to everyone on facebook who messaged me and helped come up with this name.  Also, thanks to Aimee who commented on the blog!!  This name is a collection of some of the great suggestions I everyone wins!  Thanks guys!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

French press

This teapot is in honor of my beloved french press. I love my french press.  It makes my coffee at home taste as good as any coffee shop!  This geometrical design was waaayyy out of my comfort zone.  I'm usually free and organic, even curvy.  So this teapot took some time.  I am so proud of the lid. It fits so nicely :). 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This week, I have a special treat...a completely finnished teapot. Yep, all in one week!  I had to make a bunch of pottery for show I had this weekebd because I did shockingly well at my show last weekend! It usually takes two Weeks to complete a piece, but...I made about 50 pieces between Sunday and Monday of this week!  & this teapot was one of those pieces!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

10 mins late...

This teapot was done on Friday...but I only now posting it. All snuggled up and ready fir bed...then...wham! Ahhh forgot to upload pics! Grrrrrrr...hate that. Anyway, this teapot is simple elegance. Smooth with soft curves. I think it is refreshing in contrast to my recent ones.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cherry blossom

This teapot is another double walled teapot. I think it was the 3rd or 4th teapot that I made during this challenge that was also a double walled teapot. I prefer this one :).  I love cherry blossoms and this is my take on the tree.  This will be the first time I add a handle on after the whole teapot is finnished.  I find myself saying that phrase ("this is the first time I've...") a lot in this blog.  I think that's a good thing. It's kinda what this blog is about.  About the handle, I haven't made up my mind yet, but one of my favorite potters ( just published a blog about making your own cane handles. I'd love to make my own handle as opposed to buying one. I also talked to a potter at the ann arbor art fair who uses electrical was really cool.