Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ballet im an hr late this week! The teapot has been done since wed, i just never took the pics or posted. Anyways... im super tired right now, but I was just laying down for bed and freaked out a little because I forgot to post. So... here's the ballerina teapot. Isn't she lovely?  I've always wanted to be a ballerina.  I was in dance as a little girl, but we moved and I was not able to continue dancing.  I still think about taking a few classes :).  This teapot had a challenge: the legs.  I wanted people to know right away which dancer was what so the slippers are important here.  It was a bit of problem solving and trial and error trying to figure out how this teapot is going to stand up and be supported by these skinny legs.  I think of dancers as if they are floating.  Having grace and strength at the same time, I feel this teapot has the qualities of a dancer! I did just realize that with my dancer teapots, you have to remove their heads to pour! Kinda morbid and violent haha because their heads are their lids...oh well.

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